It is our goal at Eyes on Bismarck to ensure your visit, including your examination, is pleasant. We want to make sure your exam is easy and even enjoyable so that we can help you maintain your best possible vision and eye health for your lifetime. Whether you are looking to update your glasses prescription, schedule your annual diabetic eye exam (link), or discuss LASIK corrective surgery (link) with a professional, our team at Eyes on Bismarck will take the time to give you a complete examination tailored to your specific needs and concerns.Dr. Beattie and Dr. Houle will make your refraction - the part of the exam where you are given options "one" and "two" - as stressless as possible while determining your glasses prescription. The wrong prescription can cause headaches, eyestrain, or general discomfort. Get the right prescription with a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Beattie or Dr. Houle at Eyes on Bismarck.
The assessment of your eye health is always part of a comprehensive eye exam at Eyes on Bismarck. Your exam will include screenings for cataracts, dry eyes, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. At Eyes on Bismarck, our "glaucoma test" is done without an air puff or eye drops to increase patient comfort. We utilize some of the latest technology (link) in optometry to assess and monitor your eye health.
Comprehensive eye exams at our Bismarck, ND location typically take 30-45 minutes. Call 701- 255-7894 now to set up your exam with Dr. Brian Beattie or Dr. Mike Houle. If you're a new patient, please bring a list of all current medications and your current eyeglass and contact lens prescription information, if possible.